The Power of the Charisma

People that have power and leadership are considered charismatic, and have MW authority to socialize with other people (NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE) . Charisma is the quality to attract and influence other people, this MW because MW inspire AG confidence and security WW in the society.

Exist different kinds of power WO around the world, for example: political power, music WF power, peace power, economic power, cultural power, between WWothers.
The EW charisma is in the different types of power but it can be use WF for good or bad things.

One example of political and social power was Pablo Escobar. Political power because as a result of the drug traffic WF business, he had a lot of money and needed that EW important people of WW the government helped WF him, NI and they did whatever he want VT , but all with WWcorruption.
And EWsocial power because he helped many people in Colombia. He built houses in Medellin, Cali and Bogota; gave food to poor people; gave different jobs to his friends and helped children with their study.
With this MW can see that the power cab ? be enterprise since different point of view, for the government Pablo was a criminal, but for many Colombians he was a helper of the town WW.

Other WF type of power is the social and musical power. For example Juanes (Juan Esteban Aristizabal). He’s a famous singer from Medellin, and he has a foundation call WF Mi Sangre, and WW help AG children WF victims of the antipersonnel mines. But EWhe obtains resources for this through his music. For example, he song WW in front of the Security Council of the UN, and obtained resources for the victims of WW? MW Colombia army.

Finally, people that want power in the world need first charisma, but if MW don’t have it,MW probable WF don’t WW get power, or obtain this WW it’s going to be very difficult.
The EW charisma is a quality that few people have, but if someone have AG it, MW can be use WF for do EW good or bad things. MW Every WW depend MWthe person, and his WW education.

By Alicia Keys

petronas towers

The Petronas Towers

The Petronas twin Towers were built in 1998 with WWmultiple purposes. Not only to be the tallest buildings in the world ( at that time), but also MW be a wonder of modern engineering toEW catapult WF Kuala Lumpur’s fame and economy to WF the stratosphere.
Their history and the evolution of the idea of creating this AG amazing towers, MW generate VT controverse SP all over the world. An example of that were AG the constant interest and studies of the National Geographic magazine in wich they were tracking the process of constructing the building month by month. That intense process take VT about 6 years, in wich SP MW the constructing WF team had to deal with a considerable amount of technical and esthetic SP problems and imperfections. But that AG same problems were in EW sometimes great challenges in wich the arquitects SP team decided to modificate WF in WW multiple occasions the original design of that bulding, finally been most impressive that when it was from the original design. ????? It’s hard not to be impressed by the size of the building, and also from WW the technology that MW includes WF (PASSIVE) from outside to inside also.
The Petronas Towers were definitely impressive buildings that showed the world that mankind had actually WO the ability to create amazing buildings and to be as impressive as the 7th wonders of the world (past)WO like the pyramids or the great wall ( China). Jimi Hendrix

Charisma and Power

Charisma and Power

Charisma is a capacity or a gift that some people possess to WW fascinate AG and to EW cause AG impact wherever they go. Through the EW charisma, few people are able to get real power. To arrive to WW the summit of the success, the human relationships and the treatment that people has AG MW other are the first steps that should be learned if somebody wants to make sure WW , besides many riches, the biggest treasure: Friendship.

The EW power resides, in the way how EW we can change the perception that people have of the EW things, in the way how EW people can MW leave print in the EW history and to make positive changes that improve the EW human relationships and tend to the integration among the societies. The EW charisma is the key that opens the door toward the success and the power.

Article written by: Jennifer Garner.

The Sky Tower

The sky tower is the tallest tower in the southern hemisphere, and the reason I choose VT it, it EW’s because you can perceive an amazing view DM, and also you can jump DM . The Sky jump provided VT the ultimate in adrenaline adventure. The tower was opened in august 1997, and is located in Auckland
The tower brings us WW telecommunications facility, and is visited by almost one million people a year. es you are there, you will be EW witness of EW the EW unique adventure activities. Its four observation levels offer 82 km views and MW is an even more visible landmark at night. The tower it EW s 328 meters tall.
This wonderful tower is part of the sky city Auckland, where you can finish your day in an elegance WF restaurant. It’s fantastic I MW been there and the view is just amazing, and in the first floor you can see really interesting videos about New Zealand, and buy souvenirs.
The complex was original built by Harrahs Entertainment.
Avril Lavigne


The Sydney Opera House is situated in Sydney Australia, on Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, close to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The building is one of the best known icons of Australia. It was made a Unesco World heritage site on June 28, 2007. It was designed by Jorn Utzon in 1957 and inaugurated in 1973. The Opera House is the home of Opera Australia, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphony. It has five important spaces: The Sydney Opera House contains five main performance spaces: The Concert Hall, The Opera Theatre, The Drama Theatre, The Playhouse and The Studio.

The Sydney Opera House is an expressionist modern design, it has a shell form and I think it is an amazing place that everyone should visit. Many thousands of tourists go to this place every year not only for seeing the presentations and concerts but also for WW seeing WF just WO the Sydney Opera House.



The CN tower located in Toronto, Canada is one of the tallest towers in the world and one of the most important MWs architecture in Ontario, representing an icon of MW (article) Toronto skyline. I was there last semester and for that reason I EW want to talk about this breathtaking tower.

The CN tower was constructed between 1973-1976 with the idea toWW build WF a large TV and radio communication MW . The tower was constructed in 3 years with 63 millions WF of EW dollars, and it was declared in 1995 as one of the modern Seven Wonders of the World. The tall WW of the tower is 553.33 meters.

Throughout the tower you can feel different emotions like fear, adrenaline, among others. The tower has so many levels where you can appreciate stores, restaurants and observation parts; the main floor is the “GLASS FLOOR”. This floor is the most visited for the tourist because you can appreciate the landscape through it.
If you are planning to have some AG interesting vacation and visited VT interesting places you must go to Toronto and visited one the Seven Wonders of the World.


Hotel Burj Al Arab in Dubai.

Hotel Burj Al Arab in Dubai.

The hotel call EW Burj Al Arab is localized WF in Dubai, this country is part of United Arab Emirates. The skyscrapers and the artificial islands are the most important attractive WF of Dubai, and this hotel is one of these WW.
Hotel Burj Al Arab has 321 meters of height, and it was designed in MW form of MW sailing MW /WW.

The hotel has its own Rolls-Royces like WW taxis, and each one has its chauffeur. It has 202 suites that have different views. Each bedroom has laptop with access to MW internet, private fax, telephone, dining room and living room, in other words, each bedroom has the last WW technology.
The cost of one night in the Hotel is between USD 1492.00 and USD 2188.00, butEW no WW includes WF the EW food.

The most amazing think SP about this hotel, is that it's an artificial island.
In general, the artificial island was created with the expansion of the land DM , but now it will be construct like oil platforms????????

By Alicia Keys

The Empire State Building


One of the reasons that I chose this building is that I don’t go VT to the United States never WW , but MW is a dream that I hope would be real because I’m really interested in this magical culture and his WW enormous power.

For the introduction I’m going to write a little part of the history of this building, after his WW construction on WW the 19 century this building is VT considerate WF as the world’s tallest building for more than forty years and a peculiar detail is that his WW name comes for WW the state of New York.

The construction was part of an intense competition in New York for the title of the world's tallest building. Two other projects MW (verb) fighting for the title, 40 Wall Street and the Chrysler building were still under construction when work began on the Empire State Building.

This building can be considerate WF multi- functional, because MW is an icon of business, power, technology and progress and in a few cases EW was the stage of famous productions like King Kong.

But this construction had big problems, for example when in MW 1945 a plane crash, this terrible accident was on the part where the offices of the National Catholic Welfare Council were located. One engine shot through the side opposite the impact and fell on a nearby building; the other plummeted down an elevator shaft. The resulting fire was extinguished in 40 minutes. Fourteen people were killed in the incident. Other WF problem was the EW suicide, more than thirty persons WF lose VT their live committed suicide from the top of the building.

Finally I’m sure that a big WW number of people can WW be interested in this building for his WW look like, but in my case I’m fascinated with this architectonic piece because I feel that this building is a representation of the EW human feelings, like the EW power, the W interest in the EW money, the interest for a good appearance and for the vulnerability that both WWcan feel in front of our enemy’s.

The Eiffel Tower

The most beautiful building MWs is the Eiffel tower.

It’s an iron tower built in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel, ever since the tower has represented the French culture; it’s a symbol of France.

The Eiffel tower is an amazing structure; it’s a master piece WF .

In WW the other hand, it’s a very important tourism place; if you go to Paris and you don’t visit the Eiffel tower, it’s like if you had never been in Paris.

The view on the top of the tower is wonderful; you can see the entire city.

When you think about Paris MW is very common to identify the city with the structure and vice versa.

This gorgeous tower has been the inspiration for a lot of people like artists, singers and writers


The Eiffel Tower

The building that I like the most is the Eiffel tower.
It’s an iron tower built in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel, ever since the tower has represented the French culture; it’s a symbol of France.

The Eiffel tower is an amazing structure; I mean it’s a master piece.

By the way, it’s a very important tourism WF place; if you go to Paris and you don’t visit the Eiffel tower, it’s like if you had never been in wwParis.

I suppose that the view on ww the top of the tower is wonderful, I hope soon I will visit it WO.

The Great Wall of China

Through time, man and civilizations have found in the EW architecture a way to show their power, and to leave a print in WW the EWhumanity's history, to remain. MW Great example of MW amazing buildings AG is the Chinese wall that was built by the emperor Qin NEW PARAGRAPH NI between the 7th ad 17th century, in order to protect his city from the attacks of WW the enemies, and to constitute in that way, a dynasty free of all danger. This wall was made of stone, wood, grass and soil. It`s said that million AG of slaves, prisioners SP and soldiers were forced to build the Great Chinese Wall and some of them died because of the hard work. That was the reason people called it for many years ¨the longest cementery in the world¨.
This wall shows a powerful emporium that was established over more than two thousend years ago, and since 1961 it has been specially preserverd as the humanity WF treasure it is. Chinese people are proud of their dedicated and hard working heritage, and the wall is an amazing proof of it, even the Unesco recognized it in 1987, when it is VT named one of the world´s wonders.

The Mont Saint Michel: "Refuge of Archangel"

It's time to move to an amazing place, once dubbed "The Wonder West." One of the most prestigious architectural works of the Middle Ages and one of the most important centers of spirituality and Christian pilgrimage. NI Located in northern France specifically in Normandy which WW was named as Mount Saint Michel.

What we can see in the distance like a huge mountain between MW (article) darkness, is an island of 900 meters in circumference and 80 MW high, a green and rocky mountain, crowned by the Church of the Abbey. A AG overhuman construction. Block by block, brought from different regions, one above the other; accommodating to EW the difficulties that had WWsa very rocky terrain.

According to legend, in 708 year the Archangel appeared to St. Aubert in San Miguel France, who was the bishop of Avranches, and guided him to build a shrine in his honor on a nearby hill, which today is known as Mount Saint Michel, and just meet WW 1,300 years. The priest followed the orders of San Miguel and began building a huge sanctuary on the rocky hill. But just one year after starting the works, strong tides in the area drove up and the sea suddenly turned the mountain on WW island, connected to land only by a road.
Since then, Mount Saint Michel became VTa stronghold for those who live there, because the sudden rise in the tide around the island and EW quickly caught any enemy under water.

Megan Fox

The Rotating Tower by Sherlock Holmes

The Rotary Building is an impressive architecture, which will be located in Dubai, the richest city in the world. Because of this and other reasons the building is going to be one of the most expensive buildings in the world. This building will be about 420 meters tall, 80 floors, about 55 floors are going to be apartments, from 124 m2 to 1200 m2. and the rest of the building an exclusive hotel.

This building is going to be different and unique because is the only one that rotates in its own axis. The wind hits the tower with great speed passing through it and making it turn. The building can turn 360° , but very slowly.

This is the most impressive building the world we will see open to the public in a couple of years and maybe for a long time, it is going to be the first and the only one in its kind.

For more information go to:


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Critical test of german dario achury

Critical test

The university is a great institution, a great place... I think that the methodology that they use in each career it’s good.

At the same Students and staff create learning environment Make us enjoy the program that we are studying, Directives and teachers guide the student from the first half to the end, so you can make a good work about university and study

On the other hand the university is characterized by his order and their excellent distribution.
I liked my colleagues much of the first half. I feel very well with my teachers, I think that people are very studied
Which achieved got a great economist. I am very finalizing fleiz having taken the decision to choose college as my university.

My best learning experience as an exchange student - Natalia Andrea Gómez Rueda

The best way to learn a foreign language is to study it and to speak it in a foreign country. A student exchange program is a program where a student chooses to live in a foreign country to learn, among other things, language and culture. Being in another country forces to learn, what is necessary to survive, for example the ability of communicate as speaking or even improving with the people around. It’s necessary because life depends on it. Doesn´t matter to make a lot of mistakes, them can help you to improve language. So could a exchange student program be a good learning experience?

The last year I was exchange student in the northwest of United States, specifically in a Michigan’s town for almost 6 months.When I arrived there I was confused, I didn´t understand people speaking fast. Initially my host family tried to speak slowly. My first day of school was kind of ´´akaward´´ , I had to introduce myself in front of many people, I made a lot of mistake and naturally my accent was very ´´latino´´. Then student was asking me about my country, how it was like, etc. In the meantime people was talking, I was listen their pronunciation, so to improve mine. Obviosly at first I had to ask them about words that I didt get and then they explained them to me .

Everyday I learned a lot of words. It’s so good to practice new words by speaking. After a while of going to school, of taking classes and speaking with many people, I understood english better. Also I watched a lot of movies without subtitiles so I used to do not look them anymore. All those things help me to improve my language skills, likewise the necessarity of communicate to make friends at school, forces me to study english by myself , so people would like talk more with me because they could understand me better.

It was a pretty good learning experience I will never forget. It not only helps me for improving my english but also, gaining a sense of responsibility, gaining independence, knowledge of another culture, traditions, food, exploring differences between countries, learning more about myself, my friends and my family and a better understanding of my homeland.

Title: Bucaramanga - Name: Natalia Andrea Gómez Rueda

Bucaramanga is the capital city of the department of Santander and it’s located on a plateau in the eastern highlands of the Colombian Andes.
This city is also known as The City of the Parks and The Pretty City. Bucaramanga is in the center of Colombia's tobacco area and the land shoes nof Colombia. Its main manufactures are cigarettes, textiles, footwear, construction materials and iron goods. The metropolitan area includes the municipalities of: Floridablanca, Giron y Piedecuesta.

So, what can you do there?

The first place to go is García Rovira Park: It was named in that way because of a city hero. It is one of the most visited parks, because of its surroundings are main places as The Bucaramanga Mayor’s office,Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento square and Dolores chapel,the oldest temple of the city, and also declared national historic heritage.

One of the best things to see is Santander Park. It’s the most important park of the city because of its surrounding constructions such as The Cathedral of The Sacred Family; The Hotel Bucarica, a national monument; and The Club of The Commerce, an important piece of architecture with a neoclassical style.

If you enjoy history, make sure you go to Giron. This pretty little town preseves much of its colonial heritage. The Plazuela Peralta and the Plazuela de las Nieves are charming.

Also, you mustn´t miss going to San Francisco street, where you can shopping a lot of cheaper and pretty shoes and handbags.

Don’t leave without taste the egg broth, santaderean arepa, roast goat, mute and yummy candies as obleas with arequipe, bocadillo, etc.

Finally, why not try going out dancing? There are a lot of places to go out and enjoy night life in Bucaramanga. Some good clubs are Mi Pais, La Calle, Guru, Cupula and Juan Parranda, most of them with tropical music if you like that style of partying.
The report about drugs in Colombia is an excellent way to show the World about MW real situation in our country because the drugs consumers think the WW cocaine and other drugs are a good way “to be free” but they have not understood which WW several problems CAUSED BY drugs like displacement people EW, terrorism, poverty, violence, kidnapping and other terrible things.

It is very important that persons WF like Alex James know about problems of the drugs but it is more important that consumers have moral sense and they don’t consume drugs again.


Bogota, Gina Longas


Bogotá is the capital of Colombia. It is a big city; it has many districts in different parts like in the north, west, southwestern areas. It also has interesting places to visit, in the 93 park there are exclusive restaurants, hotels, and famous pubs. In Bogotá you can find many malls to go shopping, one of the most popular malls is Unicentro, specially because the location it has. The most interesting places to visit in this city are the museums, there are like 80 around de city. But there is also one entertained place to visit that is named Panaca, which is located in the municipality of Zipaquira, there are about 2,400 animals and has an area of 248 squares miles. With the time Bogotá become a very popular touristy place. But it is sad that some people prefer not to come because of the insecurity, nevertheless it is a great place.

The Alex James` video is amazing. It is a great example to other EW people who consume cocaine DM. He could see TRY A PASSIVE HERE how cocaine is made, who are THE dealers, how government attack AG the problem: fumigates plantations or eradicates manually. Many Colombian people hadn’t seen these things as near WF as Alex James.

I think that president Alvaro Uribe made WW good job, because he made WW that an influential person in the cocaine consumer’s world changes VT his vision about consume WF cocaine. So if more consumers can see this video, they could know about economic and social problems behind cocaine consumption.

Is mandatory volunteering the best way to support philanthropic organisations?

Philantropic organizations work MW doing WW charity and helping poor people , the idea of this AG organizations and also of philantropic people is doing this activities withouot SP paying YOU NEED A PASSIVE HERE . But nowadays its difficult to recolect SP money and resources to make WW this activities .

But the idea its to do this voluntarily and not because we must do it . The best way to support organizations is voluntarily and a different way to start getting conciuoss SP of the problems of the world , iS to start campaigns to make people get conciouss SP of the real porblems of the sociaety SP , and then people would start helping with money , resources anD also doing charity for WW helping WF poor people.

I think the best way to support philantropic organizations its not mandatory volunteering because it makes WW that the ideology of this change . And the most important thing of WW this AG activities is that if we help we are not going to we rewarded with money , but we would have the satisfaction of making people happy .


I like VT very much the documentary of Alex James, people like him must be in every city that consumes cocaine.
A short review of the documentary.
Alex james shows the world, tha SP consequences of the drugs. He interview VT a real diller SP , and a guy who live VT of WW killing people.
He also went to a plantation of marihuanA (IT WAS A COCA PLANTATION)and shows the results of using chemical products to erradicate the plants of marihuana.
Today Alex James works very hard showing the world the real situation in Colombia. But he also invited the world to come here to see this wonderfull SP country.

Please try to show your freinds the domunetary, in this way we can make a huge voice, and make the world more concience SP.
Norah Jones

Is mandatory volunteering the best way to be philantropic

At first we must know what is the meaning of philanthropy, “MW is a way of showing concern for other people by giving money or volunteering –working without pay- to help needy people or organizations”[1].
In this way we must guide these AG work to people who help others because they want to, not because they must to EW.
In this order of ideas the EW mandatory volunteering cannot be a way to be philanthropic.
When someone force AG somebody to do something, the result of this, will be that, the one who was forced to do something will do it without enthusiasm, without care.
In conclusion if someone want to be philanthropic, he/she must only know that his/her work will return happiness, not money, because these kind of job AG, has AG a special characteristic, and the people who do it, do it for fun, for love to the others, no WW for money or fame.
Norah Jones
[1] Andrew K., Laura Monahon, NorthStar Reading and Writing, Second Edition, Page 111.

Alex James in Colombia Review by William H. Gates

The documentary of Alex James in Colombia show AG many things. First of all MW the audience`S attention it is trying to catch is quite extensive, either people from Europe or South American population have a direct relation with the content of the film. The beginning of the movie had a special introduction because MW shows in WW one side the traditional liberal position of European related with the Cocaine consume WF and in WW the other hand the South American conflict against to the drug trafficking asking for attention.

The proposal of the president of Colombia Albaro Uribe Velez was MW expose the critical situation that Colombian population is suffering and the unconscious way of thinking common people manage WW in Europe. The travel WW of Alex James contributes to showING to the BBC audience (and hopefully to the cocaine consumers) how Colombia MW trying to fight against to EW a historical problem found WW lot’s of problems in the process of eradicating the drugs traffic. The film`S description of the Colombian problem was trying to rescue the beautifulness WFof the country, the positive attitude of the politicians to show to the international community that we need help not just in our country but also in UK countries (as The President said to Alex when he was referring to the persecution of the trafficING of drugs in Europe) and also the unconformity of the Colombia population with those AG bloody business (as for example said the cocaine farmer in the jungle next to Cali or the taxi killer).

But also the film exposes some tints of political management. By one side the proposal of fighting against the guerrillas and the drugs trafficking is part of the President Uribes campaign, in which he has spent lot’s of money all through his presidency. An example of that was the quantity of money that Alex said was spent on the “Plan Colombia” directly impulse WW by the U.S. The management of the information through the film contained a big influence from the Colombian government; it was reflected on the kind of people which were called to participate on it.

Finally we could conclude that the video contained an interesting thematic, it show some inconsistencies how as for example the taxis driver how said that one of the benefits of the traffic war, were AG the same government. Also the fact that the farmers that were communicating to the audience the circumstances in which the country is, didn’t received VT some kind of protection or privacy so they could not be affected. Even though WW the material of the film is good, it provides very interesting knowledge especially for the international community and for the population of the rest of the world.

William H. Gates

Is a mandatory society necessary?

The society that surrounds us is being built as a strong structure which forces us to act according to the world`s conditions. The pressure that we support ww is always pushing us to work or to do the things we have to. The problem would be, what will happen if that pressure disappears, what will happen if the human being enter VT a totally free environmental condition. Would the humanity act voluntary or necessarily need the mandatory pressure?

The first thing we have to take into account is that the society in which we are living has been built buy other humans. The difference that we can make in the hypothetical situation that we are proposing is that we have already know wf how the world has changed with the political organizations we have had. In the case in which all the types of human organization disappear - and supposing that we won’t apply the same organizational structures we have known - people won’t change against the mandatory conditions. For me the voluntary act doesn’t exist, always mw should be anyone or anything behind every one of us pushing to reach each one of our goals. The ew life without a mandatory or obligatory force won’t be interesting for the humanity because those kinds of restrictions are the ones that make people stronger in achieving of ew their targets.

Finally we could say that the human characteristics are the ones that build a mandatory society in every sense of the words. The ew voluntary acts are just a hypothetical idea that the same human fabricate ag in his mind to eradicate the supposition that always he would need someone to be pushing him to do the things he have ag to. In some cases the voluntary acts people do could be related with politics, religion, philanthropy etc. but always those acts have a philosophy which is trying to involve a conditional proposal that at the same time contributes to attack people with a mandatory proposal. dm

William H. Gates

Nowadays, in many different countries the EW government AG MW started to implement mandatory volunteering for students who are going to graduate. In order to thisWW , you will have to help people in many different ways. Mandatory volunteering can be then WO the beginning for many people being philanthropic.

Teenagers who are going to start their careers don’t know much about the rest of the world: we are extremely individualistic AND don’t take care of otherS because we don’t know them. We use VT to live in our friends and family circle without wondering about how the others have to live. Then WW, mandatory volunteering can be the way for all of us to realize other people WF needs. The EW young people MW the EW teenagers need a little push to see the reality, so mandatory volunteering can WW be a solution for that EW.

Moreover , when you start your mandatory volunteering, you will also become part of the community, you will have a better knowledge about the people who are living around you. You will also feel that you can be part of the solution; you will grow up as a human being. In fact, that was the case of many students in Bogota who after finishing their mandatory volunteering decided to continue volunteering with poor children in the Granada school FOR EXAMPLE.

To conclude we can say that mandatory volunteering can be a very good way to be philanthropic, it can be the key for many people but that depends on everybody. On the one hand, there will always be people who don’t accept philanthropy because they consider that they don’t have the obligation, and on the other hand there will be people who will continue helping people during their whole life.

Rosa Parks


To say that something you have to do is called volunteer WF is MW contradiction. Because, something volunteer WF MW an activity you do it EW because you make the decision to help someone. In this way is MW possible to be a volunteer when you are force (WF PASSIVE) to do it?
Does it help aT all?

In my personal opinion when I was in the high school I had to do social service: (COLON FOR EXTRA INFORMATIONABOUT A NOUN PHRASE!!!) a type of mandatory volunteering I really enjoyed it, but the idea of the obligation to do this job killed me . I thing that if I did this MW was because I wanted to help other people. But, when I worked, whit SP this AG children – I worker VT nourishing poor kids- I realized how lucky I am VT because I have VT the opportunity to study and whit SP this help my country MW a better place to live.

In conclusion I support the idea that the EW mandatory volunteering is MW contradiction. Although it can help you MW be a better person a help other so is a contradiction that help many people and no only the other it help you ??????? CONFUSING


The other side of Bogotá


Bogotá is the city where I´m living, capital of Colombia, it has many touristic places in which you can go and visit. Is the most important city of the country because only there citizens can WO managed VT government and politic WF facts in a global term ????.

Also this capital has a lot of history you need to listen WW . Some places to go , are the “Museo del oro” and “el planetario” or to know about our culture you should taste our typical dishes. To feel the past is important to walk in the streets of Candelaria.

In fact you can prove that it is a cosmopolitan city in the way you see fashion, gastronomy, libraries, and universities. Certainly the city has increasing in education and you have more opportunities to study.

Finally don´t miss Bogotá because is a mysterious city you must discover and find. You are going to have a good time and remember to use a jacket in case you need it.

Nancy Carroll

it is not an obligation, it is a moral sence SP

Some students think that the EW life REVOLVES around their houses, their friends and other things like parties, to go shopping and to travel, but sometimes it is necessary that they’ll VT / EW learn about the EW real life and the real world, because we are the future of this generation and we have to do something to change the world.

Students have two points of view about the EW mandatory volunteering. Some students say that the EW mandatory volunteering is a personal choice and they used VT this argument to refuse the service community WO , but other students think that the EW mandatory volunteering is a good experience for their lives.

I don’t agree with WW the EW mandatory volunteering might be the correct way to be a philanthropist, because when you decide to help another person just WW you are going to want to do it, because this fact is in your heart and the most important thing is that nobody tell AG you “you have to help somebody else”. But I completely agree that the EW mandatory volunteering is an excellent way for the students have more moral sense about the real situation in the world and this way maybe they would understand that the EW mandatory volunteering is not only MW requirement for the EW graduation, it’s more than an obligation, because when you do the EW community service, you could feel that you are changing the world because somebody will tell you “thank you for this day or thank you for give me a happy day “.

Maybe if the students wouldn’t WW be EW disagree with the mandatory volunteering, they are going to WW (THIS IS A CONDITIONAL!!) become a better citizens, better persons and they would find out a new life philosophy (like the boys scouts) , giving and learning to be a better person.


daily ashlie, music


daily rutinfirst i wake up at 5:00 amnext i take a shower at half past fivenest i eat breakfast , and i clean up my roomnext i get in the bus , after an hour i arrive at my university , and study since seven am until six pmnext i get in the bus for to go back homewhen arrive my home , t eat and rest a litlenext i do my homework and talk whit my friends and my family , next i watch a litle of tv and brush my tooth and go to my bed

i really like all the musici sometimes go to the concertsi don't like read with musickinds of music you like and whyi like all the music , i like me listen to music when i am happy and when i am alone . the music entertainmet me and feel with the music very relax . i need listen to musci every day because it's necessary for my daily routine

2 music
grammar / so and neither9. complete the active grammar boxactive grammaragree1 a . i like rock music b . so i do2. a . i've got a guitar b. so have i3. a. i'm not keen on him b. neither am i4. i didn't go b. neither did idesagree5.a. i often listen to rock music b. i don't6.a. i've got a dvd player b. i haven't7a.i can't play an instrument b. i can8.a.i don't like loud music b. i do

grammar :6use the present continuous to complete the dialoguesa . i am waiting in the restaurant on the fourth floor . where are you? it's 4:30 ! what are you doing?b. we are siting on the bus . the traffic is very bad . we aren't movinga hello. i am phoning from london .b. really ? what are you doing there ?a. jenny and i am staying with some friends for a week . it is raining today so we aren't going out71 .i am doing a spanish evening classs this term . it is starting at 7:30 every monday .2. what are you doing theses days ? do are you still study?3. michaela isn't eating meat . she doesn't like4. what do you usually do in the summer holidays?5. the often go to corsica whit friends



Charity has an important value for people who need to give so much of them. Generally, charitable people give money or work, for social or personal reasons and they look for the well-being of humanity. In view of that, the charity has the mission of change many bad conditions or problems of our society.

Today aid organizations practice charity, however, our society needs more leaders to reduce the serious problems that are affecting the human being development and, in this moment, to find charitable people is so difficult because of individualism. In this practice, people prefer to think only at themselves as a result of capitalism and globalization.

The meaning of charity is to help people without good life conditions and without something to exchange, ever protecting the Human Rights. Therefore, this action is very important to diminish global problems and to guarantee the execution of the rights of all world habitants.

In addition, charity has a social meaning because it works directly with people and their necessities. But for charity,money is not everything because there are other forms of giving help. For example: volunteer labor, medical assistance and being available for the community.

The charity must be a priority, a necessity, an option, or even an apprenticeship, because it is the great opportunity to change the society, to look for equality and to open the heart and the mind. Consequently, charity is give and to learn with others.


When I saw WW / VT around my country I saw WW / VT many people dying because of the war and because of the poverty and others things. It makes me fell WW I have to do something, to give back what my country in certain ways have AG given to me.

So like a great person said: “Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” Martin Luther King Jr. for me it means that if you’re going to help people, it doesn’t means that it would hide the injustice of the ways they are live, they are noT living like this, because they wanted TO they are living in this AGways because MW the bad government, the corruption and the war make it possible.

For example, Justin Lebo a kid who decided to make many bicycle for the person WW who doesn’t AG have the possibility of buying one, it inspired me because if a kid of 12 can do it, why I can´t WO ? , so in this life every thing you want to do is possible, the only thing, is to believe that you have the force to do it. MW Is not only to believe, the way is to do what you have to do.

In conclusion, to help and to give is a good way of helping others, and to do it makes you fell SP good, but if you work for a future AND not only for today it’s better.


The Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation

"The Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation is a private charitable organization that serves to steward a philanthropic vision of investing in people to transform their lives, their work and our society through initiatives in four program areas ۠homelessness, poverty prevention, substance abuse and learning disabilities". (Garrett Hunter, Health, Education & Social Services,
This foundation helps the children in order that they have a good education, human services and they have tools to learn better.
The Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation was founded in 1987 by Charles and Helen Schwab in order for help them and invested more than $90 million in resources to serve this community.


Charity is a way of MW provisional help or relief to the EW poor and needy people. This help can be giving them food, clothes and money but the most important thing is the time that we can dedicate PR them.

There are people that of WW some form they feel in WW obligation to help them, because someone WW has AG a religious responsibility TO God. OTHER people MW looking MW more popularity with the public or admirers and finally there are people MW give help because they believe in charity and they want help disinterestedly WW .

Examples of needy people are the displaced, because they have had to go out running of WW their lands due to the violence and the armed conflict.

However, they WW are bad people who supposedly are displaced just TO RECEIVE THE help of the government, organization and foundations. Therefore, WE should have preventive regulations that prevent many people take WF advantage of the conditions of the displaced.

Moreover, the majority of social actions are made WW for helping WW (INFINITIVE) and assist in moments of need. These actions are guide for organizations and foundations.

In conclusion, Colombia should be designing programs for helping WF (INFINITIVE ) to the poor people because they are people needing support, time and charity of us.

Condoleezza Rice

Love for all humanity

It's good when people give (in many ways) to charitable causes, so that’s why exist the term of philanthropy WO ,/AG that means help, love, kindness and generosity. Our world is living every day MWS worst situations, and need AG people who care about it. Wars ,hungry WF NOUN PLEASE) and AIDS are problems that hadn’tWW be resolve WF and need people who help the organizations to find a resolution for those problem AG.

Now the EW famous people use their publicity to call the attention in those countries that really need help, like some countries of Africa and Pakistan, Irak, etc. in this way, we can recognize the labor of Angelina Jolie, MW famous actor who had adopt VT a strong position to call our attention, advertising WW us that many people are in risk to die be cause hungry WF and also be cause of the war, that had been VT very difficult to stop.

MW Is the EW time to take conscience and try to change the world, not we WW just giving money or food but giving love, giving ideas and energy to find a way to resolve those big problem AG there are EW around us and we never know when MW SUBJECT PLEASE can WW be living IN such situation.

Demi Moore

Philanthropy is important in society because MW it is an altruistic activity which rise AG life's quality WO. Philanthropists are helping government and other non-government organizations to solve different social problems. But actually in philanthropy are there people who give without receiving?

Usually philanthropists make donations to private organizations or founders that obtainsWF money to help homeless children, single mothers, displaced people, victims of violence, people who have ADIS or cancer, etcetera. Nevertheless, philanthropy is MW charitable WF activity then WWthis doesn’t have any control. People MW take advantage over this to steal money and to satisfy their own interests.
“(…) naive donors are such easy targets for scoundrels”
“Richard C. Morais On Philanthropy”, consulted in:

An example is the way like EW big companies use the donations to elude taxes. Companies create foundations WW that obtain WW money by different activities. The money is donated to other organizations. But this good action has another intention: they help people but at the same time if they had donated 100 millions of dollars, they don’t pay taxes for same amount of money. Then each donated cent is also used to WW companies pay less taxes.
Ing. I. Guerrero Z., LA “CARIDAD” DE LOS GRANDES CONSORCIOS., consulted in:

In conclusion, MW it is necessary to modify the philanthropy concept. In this way philanthropy is different to charity. Then philanthropy doesn’t involve a direct connection with needy person but charity involves direct connection.


Philanthropy, reality or lie? ..............Rooney

In the last years, we have seen various donations from different characters WW to the world's poor and foundations working for the most EW people’s need EW. TRANSITION It is important to start with the meaning of philanthropy.

Philanthropy is the act of donating money, goods, time, or effort to support a charitable cause, usually over an extended period of time and in regard to a defined objective. In a more fundamental sense, philanthropy may encompass any altruistic activity which is intended to promote good or improve human quality of life. Someone who is well known for practicing philanthropy may sometimes be called a philantrhopist. Although such individuals are often very wealthy, people may nevertheless perform philanthropic acts without possessing great wealth.
Like I said above and as the title says, there have been different disputes with respect to philanthropy or donations of human qualities P as they have been presented two positions WO, on the one hand we see people who want to help the charitable world, but on the other side we see people do WW to fix its WW image damaged by past actions or present facts EW , so the goal is not to slander anybody, but this is the real side of it. Investors, businessmen, big celebrities like Angelina Jolie are some of the most famous and philanthropies (WF adjective) in the world, in the first place that this WWs Bill Gates MWbegan to donate part of their WW heritage. As the years pass Bill Gates, the man most ruthless business WO with ambitions to dominate the world ( CAN YOU SUPPORT THIS ARGUMENT!!!), leaving expression firmly ???Bill Gates, the compassionate scientist whose goal is to save millions of lives. The richest man in the world is becoming the greatest philanthropist of all time. His plan in a short period through its foundation is donating WF (INFINITIVE) 95 percent of his wealth before he died VT, leaving their WW children enough so they can do anything WW, but not too much to do nothing. In the second place is the millionaire Warren Buffet, delivering $ 44 million to the founder of Microsoft to work on philanthropy. Buffet is considered by many as the world's most successful investor. All his wealth, 44 billion dollars will go to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in annual installments, and will be the largest charitable gift of all time.

Conclusion on the subject is controversial because it is MW decision of every person and every conclusion ???, saying that is reality or lie, in my opinion sometimes MW can be cleaned by an image DM , but God is the one who knows everything and that judged others.
In the future the subjeCt causing to talk about in the whole world ??????but in the end the important thing is that actually help people.

Henry Ford: cars and charity

Henry Ford:
When people think in PR big companys, MW (ARTICLE) relate them to iniquity SP and economic injustice, however today i will give you one example about how the rich persons WW can respect theEW social welfare and contribute with its evolution without sacrifice (WF GERUND)their productivity. Henry Ford was the founder of Ford Motor Company, he was the creator of the moderm car economy as we know it today. He is consider (VT - PASSIVE) a philanthropist because he found a way for WW reduce the costs of the production of automobiles and pay better salarys to his workers. He helped many projects with his fundation, the ford fundation; created at 1976 with the help of his wife. The Henry Ford Hospital is one of their most important project charity WO, supported for WW their fundation, it is the second fundation biggest WO in history then WW (AFTER)
the Bill and Melinda Gates fundation. Glory Box
Across the world, many families have to leave SP only with the necesary SP sustenance or less, thats why i think that what different organizations or voluntaries do is very important, because if we can help someone that need AG it we can save a life. I think that people have to learn that help WF someone is not only about money, there is AG many different way AG to help, specially SP with time.

There is AG many people that showing WF concern for other people by giving money or voluntering, those people are called philantrophistS, like Justin Lebo. He was a child when MW decided start to help people, he feel VT very happy and complete when he saw the childrens P smiles. other WF very important philanthropist was mother Teresa, she left her life and dedicated all her time MW helped WW (use gerund)VT people in need. TRANSITION Bill Gates, he donate AG enough WW money to organizations that take care of people with different kinds of problems. I think that society have AG to take consciousness about the problems that other people have, because we are a society, and in the societies AG we can see many people with different oportunities in their lives, while many families lives in a low stratum surviving only with daily money and with no chance to buy lixuries SP. Other families lives AG in a high stratum , in that case the families have enough money to live in a very different way.

In a country MW are many types of people, there are very important persons WW but they are not MW (some are try using ALWAYS to moderate) interested in help WF others with few posibilities to work,P this AGE persons WW DON`T have t the same oportunities because the WW didn’t study, P this desesmployed WW persons find other ways to get money to survive and because of that they becomes thief AG , I think that if the important people care more
about all the society the country could be better and the porcentage SP of crime can WW drop.
MW Is very important that the people with posibilities to help others less benefit do it, in that way the situacion SP of the population in all the world improves and all the societies can live better.

Alicia Keys

The Wonderfull SP World Of Philantropy

Nowdays you match WW all around the World poor people , kids dying and people living on the streets . But there are some people who works AG helping (INFINITIVE PLEASE!) to WW this AG problems and rising VT money for this cause and also donating money THEMSELVES .
For example Justin Lebo , a ten year old kid , that WW dedicates his free time to fixed WF bycicles and give WF to the poor people and homeless . This is a wonderful activity because it gives the satisfaction of making happy another person WO.
There are another WW phylantropistS like bill gates and bono that WW are very famous person and use their money and influence to help people .
Finally we can rezume WW / SP in a quotation “ Its better to give than to receive “ because you can receive many MORE benefits giving than receiving things .

when something make AG you feel proud

Philanthropy is a way of giving with out receiving something back , P when you really want to help someone you don’t care about anything WW because you are helping others from your heart

I believe that people who have a lot of money and dedicate their money and time to helping others are heroes or something like that because MW is really hard to give something practically for free.

I think that everybody can WW become in EW a huge EW philanthropist because the only thing we have to do is to care about the world and the things that are happening around us, I believe that most of the things that are happening in the world lately are really sad and to take care of most of these problems we need more philanthropists and one day we will build a better world. Its really important to support these people because they are doing us a favour with out them nobody would take care of the homeless people and all those who need help, so its really important to help to build a new way of living and thinking.
by Usher

The best of you

“It’s better to give than to receive”. This is a quotation of PR the bible, but we may think, this is a life philosophy. Justin Lebo is the perfect example about WW this quotation and how to be a good philanthropist, to change the world.

People believe that they could help only with a big amount of money or food, but this is the worst thinking, because we are going to help other people with a little donation. Charity is not only to give money, food, cloth SP and other things for the poor people, because when you decide to help somebody else, that help might be from WW different ways, for example you may spend your free time playing with sad children in a foundation or you should teach to make something special to WW the poor people.

Justin Lebo is the perfect example about charity, because he wanted to donate a bicycle for a poor child so he thought of fix (GERUND) bicycles and later he gave (what did he give) to poor children. Although he spent his holidays without to enjoy it (i think he did enjoy himself) , he got to grow in his heart and maybe he could have learned that it is not always MW to receive (GERUND), sometimes it’s more important to give and this way you receive an important thing, a beautiful feeling of personal satisfaction.

In conclusion, people have to understand who WW poor people need, MW our world, because you are going to better the lifestyle of poor people, you’ll get to reduce lots of problems like poverty and starvation, but the most important thing of WW charity is about WW you are learning that the best way to be happy, is to give love, to give more love and all the time to give the best of you.


The science of giving

Nowadays, in the world we are more than six thousand million people and much of them WW have a lot of needs: poverty, diseases, wars and many other problems concern more than a half DM, but the other half can be the solution for them. If everybody who can help does his WW job we would build a better world.

In fact, a lot of people have still realized this problem and its solution. In many different ways people can help. For instance, they can give a little bit of their time and go to share experiences with elderly people who have been abandoned by their families, or they can also donate money to a foundation. We don’t need to be the WW hundred percent of the time dedicated to charity or be rich, if we have the motivation we can be part of the solution, and not of the problem.

Moreover, when people decide to help, to be EW volunteer they are not just helping the poor or the ill person AG, they are also becoming a real human being, they are growing. People will receive much more than they give as John Buyan said “he who bestows his goods upon the poor shall have as much again, and ten times more.” That illustrates also the satisfaction we will have, we will never forget the grin of a child thanking MW. This was the case of Justin Lebo, a teenager who started fixing bikes and then decided to donate all of them to different foundations. He was really satisfied with the changes he made by doing that; he manages in changing his life and others life.

It is then a call for all the people: “make otherS happy and be happy”. It’s a social part that we have to play, we have to open the WW eyes and realize that we are not alone and that the human condition should force us to be charitable, civilized and humanitarian.

Edited By: Rosa Parks


The science of giving is a way of thinking, MW is a form of expressing.
MW Is a way of thinking , it is an ideology and it is also a form of expressing because through the act of giving the person is saying that he/she care AG of WW others.
With time the world has develop VT different persons WW who care very much of WW the EW others. This AG kind of persons are known as “phylantHropists”. An example is mother Theresa, she was one of the most famous phylantropist AG ever exist EW, she gave her life to the poor children.
Everyone can be a phylantropist the main aspect that describe AG a phylantropist SP is the charity OR “the voluntary work”.
The phylantropist SP “career” can begin at home, we must start teaching our families how to help others.

Norah Jones

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