The Mont Saint Michel: "Refuge of Archangel"

It's time to move to an amazing place, once dubbed "The Wonder West." One of the most prestigious architectural works of the Middle Ages and one of the most important centers of spirituality and Christian pilgrimage. NI Located in northern France specifically in Normandy which WW was named as Mount Saint Michel.

What we can see in the distance like a huge mountain between MW (article) darkness, is an island of 900 meters in circumference and 80 MW high, a green and rocky mountain, crowned by the Church of the Abbey. A AG overhuman construction. Block by block, brought from different regions, one above the other; accommodating to EW the difficulties that had WWsa very rocky terrain.

According to legend, in 708 year the Archangel appeared to St. Aubert in San Miguel France, who was the bishop of Avranches, and guided him to build a shrine in his honor on a nearby hill, which today is known as Mount Saint Michel, and just meet WW 1,300 years. The priest followed the orders of San Miguel and began building a huge sanctuary on the rocky hill. But just one year after starting the works, strong tides in the area drove up and the sea suddenly turned the mountain on WW island, connected to land only by a road.
Since then, Mount Saint Michel became VTa stronghold for those who live there, because the sudden rise in the tide around the island and EW quickly caught any enemy under water.

Megan Fox

1 comment:

friend of the spanish monster said...

Good work. Please check the correction code.
My comments:
You introduce the importance of the work well, but the first line "it`s time to move to.." doesn`t work.
Body - good descriptive language - wht exactly is "" the darkness" explain more. Good vocabulary "crowned" "block by block" - but be careful you need to cite your source!!

Good narrative in the body - interesting story, but no conclusion!!!!!!