The Empire State Building


One of the reasons that I chose this building is that I don’t go VT to the United States never WW , but MW is a dream that I hope would be real because I’m really interested in this magical culture and his WW enormous power.

For the introduction I’m going to write a little part of the history of this building, after his WW construction on WW the 19 century this building is VT considerate WF as the world’s tallest building for more than forty years and a peculiar detail is that his WW name comes for WW the state of New York.

The construction was part of an intense competition in New York for the title of the world's tallest building. Two other projects MW (verb) fighting for the title, 40 Wall Street and the Chrysler building were still under construction when work began on the Empire State Building.

This building can be considerate WF multi- functional, because MW is an icon of business, power, technology and progress and in a few cases EW was the stage of famous productions like King Kong.

But this construction had big problems, for example when in MW 1945 a plane crash, this terrible accident was on the part where the offices of the National Catholic Welfare Council were located. One engine shot through the side opposite the impact and fell on a nearby building; the other plummeted down an elevator shaft. The resulting fire was extinguished in 40 minutes. Fourteen people were killed in the incident. Other WF problem was the EW suicide, more than thirty persons WF lose VT their live committed suicide from the top of the building.

Finally I’m sure that a big WW number of people can WW be interested in this building for his WW look like, but in my case I’m fascinated with this architectonic piece because I feel that this building is a representation of the EW human feelings, like the EW power, the W interest in the EW money, the interest for a good appearance and for the vulnerability that both WWcan feel in front of our enemy’s.

1 comment:

friend of the spanish monster said...

Good tinkerbell
Nice structure, good research and an interesting pie tried to use the ideas from class well.
Grammar: VT errors - you need to use the present perfect more -to talk about thinks that were true in the past and continue to be true now - there`s help here:

Articles - to talk generally about ideas such as power, or money we don`t use an article

Possessive adjectives - his is for people (masculine) - it`s is for things

Very good- i look forward to reading more from tinkerbell!!!