when something make AG you feel proud

Philanthropy is a way of giving with out receiving something back , P when you really want to help someone you don’t care about anything WW because you are helping others from your heart

I believe that people who have a lot of money and dedicate their money and time to helping others are heroes or something like that because MW is really hard to give something practically for free.

I think that everybody can WW become in EW a huge EW philanthropist because the only thing we have to do is to care about the world and the things that are happening around us, I believe that most of the things that are happening in the world lately are really sad and to take care of most of these problems we need more philanthropists and one day we will build a better world. Its really important to support these people because they are doing us a favour with out them nobody would take care of the homeless people and all those who need help, so its really important to help to build a new way of living and thinking.
by Usher

1 comment:

friend of the spanish monster said...

You have written very well grammatically - please correct the few errors I have indicated. You need to concentrate on structure. Introduction (with topic sentence) , body with reasoned opinion and examples and a strong conclusion. At present the balance is wrong.
Good work and thanks for posting