The Wonderfull SP World Of Philantropy

Nowdays you match WW all around the World poor people , kids dying and people living on the streets . But there are some people who works AG helping (INFINITIVE PLEASE!) to WW this AG problems and rising VT money for this cause and also donating money THEMSELVES .
For example Justin Lebo , a ten year old kid , that WW dedicates his free time to fixed WF bycicles and give WF to the poor people and homeless . This is a wonderful activity because it gives the satisfaction of making happy another person WO.
There are another WW phylantropistS like bill gates and bono that WW are very famous person and use their money and influence to help people .
Finally we can rezume WW / SP in a quotation “ Its better to give than to receive “ because you can receive many MORE benefits giving than receiving things .

1 comment:

friend of the spanish monster said...

Wonderful title!!! good - thanks for posting. Please check the correction code. Maybe look at your level 5 work on gerund and infinitive and correct those errors.