Love for all humanity

It's good when people give (in many ways) to charitable causes, so that’s why exist the term of philanthropy WO ,/AG that means help, love, kindness and generosity. Our world is living every day MWS worst situations, and need AG people who care about it. Wars ,hungry WF NOUN PLEASE) and AIDS are problems that hadn’tWW be resolve WF and need people who help the organizations to find a resolution for those problem AG.

Now the EW famous people use their publicity to call the attention in those countries that really need help, like some countries of Africa and Pakistan, Irak, etc. in this way, we can recognize the labor of Angelina Jolie, MW famous actor who had adopt VT a strong position to call our attention, advertising WW us that many people are in risk to die be cause hungry WF and also be cause of the war, that had been VT very difficult to stop.

MW Is the EW time to take conscience and try to change the world, not we WW just giving money or food but giving love, giving ideas and energy to find a way to resolve those big problem AG there are EW around us and we never know when MW SUBJECT PLEASE can WW be living IN such situation.

Demi Moore

1 comment:

friend of the spanish monster said...

Good, please check the correction code. You have put your opinion across quite well, but maybe you could try to be a little more analytical about philanthropy, the writing is a little too general. Maybe try with this week`s writing.