Across the world, many families have to leave SP only with the necesary SP sustenance or less, thats why i think that what different organizations or voluntaries do is very important, because if we can help someone that need AG it we can save a life. I think that people have to learn that help WF someone is not only about money, there is AG many different way AG to help, specially SP with time.

There is AG many people that showing WF concern for other people by giving money or voluntering, those people are called philantrophistS, like Justin Lebo. He was a child when MW decided start to help people, he feel VT very happy and complete when he saw the childrens P smiles. other WF very important philanthropist was mother Teresa, she left her life and dedicated all her time MW helped WW (use gerund)VT people in need. TRANSITION Bill Gates, he donate AG enough WW money to organizations that take care of people with different kinds of problems. I think that society have AG to take consciousness about the problems that other people have, because we are a society, and in the societies AG we can see many people with different oportunities in their lives, while many families lives in a low stratum surviving only with daily money and with no chance to buy lixuries SP. Other families lives AG in a high stratum , in that case the families have enough money to live in a very different way.

In a country MW are many types of people, there are very important persons WW but they are not MW (some are try using ALWAYS to moderate) interested in help WF others with few posibilities to work,P this AGE persons WW DON`T have t the same oportunities because the WW didn’t study, P this desesmployed WW persons find other ways to get money to survive and because of that they becomes thief AG , I think that if the important people care more
about all the society the country could be better and the porcentage SP of crime can WW drop.
MW Is very important that the people with posibilities to help others less benefit do it, in that way the situacion SP of the population in all the world improves and all the societies can live better.

Alicia Keys

1 comment:

friend of the spanish monster said...

Very good Alicia. I hope you don`t mind that I posted your good work!!!! We will work on punctuation next week, but for now please try to shorten your sentences!! Please check the correction code. Good work