The Empire State Building


One of the reasons that I chose this building is that I don’t go VT to the United States never WW , but MW is a dream that I hope would be real because I’m really interested in this magical culture and his WW enormous power.

For the introduction I’m going to write a little part of the history of this building, after his WW construction on WW the 19 century this building is VT considerate WF as the world’s tallest building for more than forty years and a peculiar detail is that his WW name comes for WW the state of New York.

The construction was part of an intense competition in New York for the title of the world's tallest building. Two other projects MW (verb) fighting for the title, 40 Wall Street and the Chrysler building were still under construction when work began on the Empire State Building.

This building can be considerate WF multi- functional, because MW is an icon of business, power, technology and progress and in a few cases EW was the stage of famous productions like King Kong.

But this construction had big problems, for example when in MW 1945 a plane crash, this terrible accident was on the part where the offices of the National Catholic Welfare Council were located. One engine shot through the side opposite the impact and fell on a nearby building; the other plummeted down an elevator shaft. The resulting fire was extinguished in 40 minutes. Fourteen people were killed in the incident. Other WF problem was the EW suicide, more than thirty persons WF lose VT their live committed suicide from the top of the building.

Finally I’m sure that a big WW number of people can WW be interested in this building for his WW look like, but in my case I’m fascinated with this architectonic piece because I feel that this building is a representation of the EW human feelings, like the EW power, the W interest in the EW money, the interest for a good appearance and for the vulnerability that both WWcan feel in front of our enemy’s.

The Eiffel Tower

The most beautiful building MWs is the Eiffel tower.

It’s an iron tower built in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel, ever since the tower has represented the French culture; it’s a symbol of France.

The Eiffel tower is an amazing structure; it’s a master piece WF .

In WW the other hand, it’s a very important tourism place; if you go to Paris and you don’t visit the Eiffel tower, it’s like if you had never been in Paris.

The view on the top of the tower is wonderful; you can see the entire city.

When you think about Paris MW is very common to identify the city with the structure and vice versa.

This gorgeous tower has been the inspiration for a lot of people like artists, singers and writers


The Eiffel Tower

The building that I like the most is the Eiffel tower.
It’s an iron tower built in 1889 by Gustave Eiffel, ever since the tower has represented the French culture; it’s a symbol of France.

The Eiffel tower is an amazing structure; I mean it’s a master piece.

By the way, it’s a very important tourism WF place; if you go to Paris and you don’t visit the Eiffel tower, it’s like if you had never been in wwParis.

I suppose that the view on ww the top of the tower is wonderful, I hope soon I will visit it WO.

The Great Wall of China

Through time, man and civilizations have found in the EW architecture a way to show their power, and to leave a print in WW the EWhumanity's history, to remain. MW Great example of MW amazing buildings AG is the Chinese wall that was built by the emperor Qin NEW PARAGRAPH NI between the 7th ad 17th century, in order to protect his city from the attacks of WW the enemies, and to constitute in that way, a dynasty free of all danger. This wall was made of stone, wood, grass and soil. It`s said that million AG of slaves, prisioners SP and soldiers were forced to build the Great Chinese Wall and some of them died because of the hard work. That was the reason people called it for many years ¨the longest cementery in the world¨.
This wall shows a powerful emporium that was established over more than two thousend years ago, and since 1961 it has been specially preserverd as the humanity WF treasure it is. Chinese people are proud of their dedicated and hard working heritage, and the wall is an amazing proof of it, even the Unesco recognized it in 1987, when it is VT named one of the world´s wonders.

The Mont Saint Michel: "Refuge of Archangel"

It's time to move to an amazing place, once dubbed "The Wonder West." One of the most prestigious architectural works of the Middle Ages and one of the most important centers of spirituality and Christian pilgrimage. NI Located in northern France specifically in Normandy which WW was named as Mount Saint Michel.

What we can see in the distance like a huge mountain between MW (article) darkness, is an island of 900 meters in circumference and 80 MW high, a green and rocky mountain, crowned by the Church of the Abbey. A AG overhuman construction. Block by block, brought from different regions, one above the other; accommodating to EW the difficulties that had WWsa very rocky terrain.

According to legend, in 708 year the Archangel appeared to St. Aubert in San Miguel France, who was the bishop of Avranches, and guided him to build a shrine in his honor on a nearby hill, which today is known as Mount Saint Michel, and just meet WW 1,300 years. The priest followed the orders of San Miguel and began building a huge sanctuary on the rocky hill. But just one year after starting the works, strong tides in the area drove up and the sea suddenly turned the mountain on WW island, connected to land only by a road.
Since then, Mount Saint Michel became VTa stronghold for those who live there, because the sudden rise in the tide around the island and EW quickly caught any enemy under water.

Megan Fox

The Rotating Tower by Sherlock Holmes

The Rotary Building is an impressive architecture, which will be located in Dubai, the richest city in the world. Because of this and other reasons the building is going to be one of the most expensive buildings in the world. This building will be about 420 meters tall, 80 floors, about 55 floors are going to be apartments, from 124 m2 to 1200 m2. and the rest of the building an exclusive hotel.

This building is going to be different and unique because is the only one that rotates in its own axis. The wind hits the tower with great speed passing through it and making it turn. The building can turn 360° , but very slowly.

This is the most impressive building the world we will see open to the public in a couple of years and maybe for a long time, it is going to be the first and the only one in its kind.

For more information go to:


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