The Power of the Charisma

People that have power and leadership are considered charismatic, and have MW authority to socialize with other people (NOT A GOOD EXAMPLE) . Charisma is the quality to attract and influence other people, this MW because MW inspire AG confidence and security WW in the society.

Exist different kinds of power WO around the world, for example: political power, music WF power, peace power, economic power, cultural power, between WWothers.
The EW charisma is in the different types of power but it can be use WF for good or bad things.

One example of political and social power was Pablo Escobar. Political power because as a result of the drug traffic WF business, he had a lot of money and needed that EW important people of WW the government helped WF him, NI and they did whatever he want VT , but all with WWcorruption.
And EWsocial power because he helped many people in Colombia. He built houses in Medellin, Cali and Bogota; gave food to poor people; gave different jobs to his friends and helped children with their study.
With this MW can see that the power cab ? be enterprise since different point of view, for the government Pablo was a criminal, but for many Colombians he was a helper of the town WW.

Other WF type of power is the social and musical power. For example Juanes (Juan Esteban Aristizabal). He’s a famous singer from Medellin, and he has a foundation call WF Mi Sangre, and WW help AG children WF victims of the antipersonnel mines. But EWhe obtains resources for this through his music. For example, he song WW in front of the Security Council of the UN, and obtained resources for the victims of WW? MW Colombia army.

Finally, people that want power in the world need first charisma, but if MW don’t have it,MW probable WF don’t WW get power, or obtain this WW it’s going to be very difficult.
The EW charisma is a quality that few people have, but if someone have AG it, MW can be use WF for do EW good or bad things. MW Every WW depend MWthe person, and his WW education.

By Alicia Keys

petronas towers

The Petronas Towers

The Petronas twin Towers were built in 1998 with WWmultiple purposes. Not only to be the tallest buildings in the world ( at that time), but also MW be a wonder of modern engineering toEW catapult WF Kuala Lumpur’s fame and economy to WF the stratosphere.
Their history and the evolution of the idea of creating this AG amazing towers, MW generate VT controverse SP all over the world. An example of that were AG the constant interest and studies of the National Geographic magazine in wich they were tracking the process of constructing the building month by month. That intense process take VT about 6 years, in wich SP MW the constructing WF team had to deal with a considerable amount of technical and esthetic SP problems and imperfections. But that AG same problems were in EW sometimes great challenges in wich the arquitects SP team decided to modificate WF in WW multiple occasions the original design of that bulding, finally been most impressive that when it was from the original design. ????? It’s hard not to be impressed by the size of the building, and also from WW the technology that MW includes WF (PASSIVE) from outside to inside also.
The Petronas Towers were definitely impressive buildings that showed the world that mankind had actually WO the ability to create amazing buildings and to be as impressive as the 7th wonders of the world (past)WO like the pyramids or the great wall ( China). Jimi Hendrix

Charisma and Power

Charisma and Power

Charisma is a capacity or a gift that some people possess to WW fascinate AG and to EW cause AG impact wherever they go. Through the EW charisma, few people are able to get real power. To arrive to WW the summit of the success, the human relationships and the treatment that people has AG MW other are the first steps that should be learned if somebody wants to make sure WW , besides many riches, the biggest treasure: Friendship.

The EW power resides, in the way how EW we can change the perception that people have of the EW things, in the way how EW people can MW leave print in the EW history and to make positive changes that improve the EW human relationships and tend to the integration among the societies. The EW charisma is the key that opens the door toward the success and the power.

Article written by: Jennifer Garner.

The Sky Tower

The sky tower is the tallest tower in the southern hemisphere, and the reason I choose VT it, it EW’s because you can perceive an amazing view DM, and also you can jump DM . The Sky jump provided VT the ultimate in adrenaline adventure. The tower was opened in august 1997, and is located in Auckland
The tower brings us WW telecommunications facility, and is visited by almost one million people a year. es you are there, you will be EW witness of EW the EW unique adventure activities. Its four observation levels offer 82 km views and MW is an even more visible landmark at night. The tower it EW s 328 meters tall.
This wonderful tower is part of the sky city Auckland, where you can finish your day in an elegance WF restaurant. It’s fantastic I MW been there and the view is just amazing, and in the first floor you can see really interesting videos about New Zealand, and buy souvenirs.
The complex was original built by Harrahs Entertainment.
Avril Lavigne


The Sydney Opera House is situated in Sydney Australia, on Bennelong Point in Sydney Harbour, close to the Sydney Harbour Bridge. The building is one of the best known icons of Australia. It was made a Unesco World heritage site on June 28, 2007. It was designed by Jorn Utzon in 1957 and inaugurated in 1973. The Opera House is the home of Opera Australia, the Sydney Theatre Company and the Sydney Symphony. It has five important spaces: The Sydney Opera House contains five main performance spaces: The Concert Hall, The Opera Theatre, The Drama Theatre, The Playhouse and The Studio.

The Sydney Opera House is an expressionist modern design, it has a shell form and I think it is an amazing place that everyone should visit. Many thousands of tourists go to this place every year not only for seeing the presentations and concerts but also for WW seeing WF just WO the Sydney Opera House.



The CN tower located in Toronto, Canada is one of the tallest towers in the world and one of the most important MWs architecture in Ontario, representing an icon of MW (article) Toronto skyline. I was there last semester and for that reason I EW want to talk about this breathtaking tower.

The CN tower was constructed between 1973-1976 with the idea toWW build WF a large TV and radio communication MW . The tower was constructed in 3 years with 63 millions WF of EW dollars, and it was declared in 1995 as one of the modern Seven Wonders of the World. The tall WW of the tower is 553.33 meters.

Throughout the tower you can feel different emotions like fear, adrenaline, among others. The tower has so many levels where you can appreciate stores, restaurants and observation parts; the main floor is the “GLASS FLOOR”. This floor is the most visited for the tourist because you can appreciate the landscape through it.
If you are planning to have some AG interesting vacation and visited VT interesting places you must go to Toronto and visited one the Seven Wonders of the World.


Hotel Burj Al Arab in Dubai.

Hotel Burj Al Arab in Dubai.

The hotel call EW Burj Al Arab is localized WF in Dubai, this country is part of United Arab Emirates. The skyscrapers and the artificial islands are the most important attractive WF of Dubai, and this hotel is one of these WW.
Hotel Burj Al Arab has 321 meters of height, and it was designed in MW form of MW sailing MW /WW.

The hotel has its own Rolls-Royces like WW taxis, and each one has its chauffeur. It has 202 suites that have different views. Each bedroom has laptop with access to MW internet, private fax, telephone, dining room and living room, in other words, each bedroom has the last WW technology.
The cost of one night in the Hotel is between USD 1492.00 and USD 2188.00, butEW no WW includes WF the EW food.

The most amazing think SP about this hotel, is that it's an artificial island.
In general, the artificial island was created with the expansion of the land DM , but now it will be construct like oil platforms????????

By Alicia Keys